Test results
We try our best to contact you should results require any further action. However, it is your responsibility to check for your results.
View or Request Test Results
- The quickest way to view your results is if you are registered with the NHS App,
- Alternatively you can contact the practice to request your test results by completing an Admin Online Consultation. Please submit an online consultation to enquire about your test results by clicking here: Lincoln House Surgery (webgp.com)
- If you are unable to use online services then please call us after 12.00 in the afternoon. Please call:01442 254 366 .
Receptionists are not clinically trained and are only able to provide results over the telephone where a doctor has already reviewed these results. If you want to discuss your results you may request a routine appointment by submitting anĀ administrative online consultation
Lincoln House Surgery has a strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection to protect patient confidentiality. We will only release test results to the person to whom they relate unless that person has given prior permission for the release of this data or they are not capable of understanding the results.
Test samples
If you have been asked to bring a sample to the surgery, please let us have it by 3.30 p m so it is here in time for the path lab driver to collect. Otherwise you may have to provide another sample.
Other Practice Information
MSK Specialist First Contact Physiotherapist