Clinics & Services

We provide a full general practice service and offer patients specialist advice and support in the following areas:

Antenatal/Pregnancy Support/Maternity Care Appointments
Please do not ring the surgery for this as the service is run by the midwives not Lincoln House Surgery. Pregnant mothers should decide which hospital they would like to deliver their baby at and visit the Hospital website to self refer for their services. Links below:
West Herts Hospital
 Luton & Dunstable
 Stoke Mandeville
If you want to talk to someone or need support or advice for unwanted pregnancies contact:

Badger Notes – Self-refer your pregnancy to West Herts Teaching Hospitals

Blood Tests
  • You will need to take a blood test form to the drop in Phlebotomy services clinic. Your form can be sent to you electronically if you can print them yourself or you can come and collect them from reception.
  • You can visit the Phlebotomy Services available at West Herts Hospital (Hemel, St Albans & Watford Hospital sites).
  •  We offer appointments at the surgery for our vulnerable patients or as part of long-term condition annual reviews.
B12 Injections
Appointments for these injections are only offered based on diagnosis of deficiency and doctors prescription.
Certificates & Forms 
  • MAT B1 (Maternity (Contact your midwife team)
  • FW8 Maternity prescription exemption (Please visit the surgery to complete the form).
  • FP92A Prescription Charge exemption for specified conditions (Please visit the surgery to complete a form)
Cervical Screening
  • If you are due a smear test you will receive a letter from the Cervical Screening National team.
  • Call reception to book your routine appointment with our Nursing team.
  • Please note: only book an appointment when you have a received this letter as the lab will not process samples which are not due.
We offer appointments for contraceptive implants, coils, injections and the pill. For any first-time or change of contraceptive requests you must have a telephone appointment with a GP.
  • Please click the link to review available contraception options Contraception choices
  • Please complete an online consultation  to request a first time appointment or follow up review for contraception.  
  • You should provide your Height Weight and current Blood Pressure Reading for these appointments.
Dressings & Wound Management
  • We advise patients to self-care where possible.
  • An appointment will be booked if required once triaged/assessed by a nurse. Please call the surgery to make a request.
  •  If you have been discharged from hospital and told to attend the surgery for wound care, please call us for an appointment as soon as possible as on the day appointments are in high demand.
  • We will direct you to the local Urgent Treatment Centre for dressings at the weekend or if there is no availability to accommodate your appointment at the surgery.
 ECG & Ear Wax Removal
Our nurses & Healthcare Assistants perform ECGs and Ear Wax Removal when a clinician deems them necessary.   
For more information on:
Ear Wax Click Here
Health Reviews
Patients with Long Term Health Conditions such as asthma, COPD, diabetes,  Hypertension, AF, Chronic Kidney Disease, Stroke, Learning Disabilities will receive a text/letter around their birthday to self book a review appointment with a GP Assistant or the Nursing/Pharmacy team.
If your symptoms change or you have any concerns please complete an Online Consultation
  • Childhood immunisations –  Please call us to book an appointment when you receive the invitation letter from the Child Health team. You can call to book any vaccinations they have missed, if they are still eligible.
  • Adults –  Pneumonia & Shingles vaccinations are offered if you are eligible.
  • Pregnant women – Will be advised to attend for the whooping cough vaccination at the appropriate time (20 WKS).
  • Please note we do not provide Occupational Health vaccinations or advice. This is the responsibility of your employer.
Joint Injections Steroid joint injections can be given at the surgery either by our MSK specialist or one of our doctors when clinically diagnosed and advised by one of our clinicians. Please complete an Online Consultation.  You might need to have a consultation before the procedure can done for the 1st time .
Medication Reviews
  • For some medications you will have a yearly medication review For those that receive a long term condition review these will be done at the same time.
  • If you experience side effects or something changes with your health condition and you require a medication review, click to complete an Online Consultation
Minor Surgery  Dr Anwer performs minor surgical procedures in a dedicated clinic at the surgery. If you have a symptomatic skin lesion or lump, please see him during a routine appointment and if appropriate, he will book you into his clinic.
We continue to refer patients wherever clinically necessary. If you want to request a specific referral please fill an Online Consultation. You might need to have a consultation with a doctor  depending on your request. 
Travel Vaccinations
  • Ensure you start the process 6 to 8 weeks before you travel as otherwise you may not be able to book appointments with us in time for your travels.
  • Please click the link to complete a Travel Online Consultation  to start the process.
  • An appointment will be made for a Nurse to discuss your requirements with you over the phone (allow 25 minutes)
  • If any vaccinations are needed a face to face appointment will be booked.
Under Fives Care Part of routine child surveillance programme organised by your Health Visitors. Local Children’s centres also offer help, support & groups