Sick (fit) notes
To request a new or repeat Fit Note
- Click here to complete an Administrative Online Consultation to request a new or repeat Fit Note: MED 3 Request
What Happens Next
- Please state on fit note request the dates you have self certified for.
- We aim to process your request within 72 working hours.
- We will usually send these to you via a text message or email.
- We can print for you to collect from the surgery if you have requested this.
- You do not need to see your GP again to be ‘signed back to work
Please note we cannot issue fit notes unless you have had a recent consultation with a clinician regarding your illness or received a letter from another clinician or hospital.
Sickness lasting 7 days or less
You do not need a doctor’s sickness certificate for any illness lasting seven days or less.
Sickness lasting 7 days or more
If you are sick for more than seven days, your employer can ask for proof of your illness to support payment of SSP (statutory sick pay).
Most employers ask for a fit note from your GP but you an also provide evidence from a dentist or other health professional.
For more information see the DirectGov website or Acas Absence from Work advice
Other Practice Information
MSK Specialist First Contact Physiotherapist